Motor Soft Starters

Fairford Agility

Fairford Agility 7.5kW – 200kW @400VAC Agile Soft Starter agility™ has been developed to exceed the exacting…

Fairford HFE Single Phase Soft Starter

This is the ideal ‘retrofit’ energy optimising solution for soft starting single phase compressors such as those used…

Fairford Synergy High Peformance Soft Starter

With a unique combination of features, performance and size, Fairford has redefined the….

Fairford DFE

The DFE is Fairford’s internally bypassed, non-optimising soft starter which is perfect for panel builders and ….

Fairford PFE

The PFE is ideally placed to support smaller AC induction motors. Easy DIN rail mounting makes the PFE the …